Genre: Narrative puzzle game
This project was started to mess around with people's perception of truth and then question that truth. And then question people's response to being told they're wrong. The player is asked to to figure out the true sequence of the events presented in the story. The chronology if you will. However, the text is written in such a way that there is no actual true chronology. It's all in the player's head. Regardless of what the player does, they're told they're wrong. And then they get to decide how they feel about this and whether they want their truth to become reality. The whole project was designed to interfere as little with the player's choices as possible. For example, chapter selection is random, UI elements don't show any order (no numbers, no letters). I don't even know the actual order myself. I did this to entice player investment in the outcome. If the player feels that it is a simple matter of right/wrong, they just feel they did it wrong. If there is an element of unfairness to it (i.e. it is logical for them to assume their sequence is correct too), players get emotionally invested and riled up. Then to keep the story interesting I'm using some storytelling tricks like suspense-inducing narrative techniques. To achieve my goal with influencing the player, I also use other psychological tricks such as priming and love-bombing. So far the playtests have been rather successful in achieving my goal though there are still some refinements necessary.