A MAZE. / Berlin 2019

8th International Games and Playful Media Festival

VM - Virtual Materialism

VM - Virtual Materialism

by Jens Isensee & Rico Possienka (Germany)

Genre: Interactive Video Installation

In the interactive video installation Virtual Materialism up to 4 players are confronted with a virtual recreation of themselves out of objects and stuff, like becoming an interactive ready-made piece of art. In this way embodied by things, everyone is collecting coins that apear out of thin air to sustain themselves. The Win-Loose-Loop continues endlessly while the masks on the figures in the virtual mirror recite an atmospheric text collage from the "The Imaginary" by Jean-Paul Sartre. The recipients could listen to the speakers, but the temptation of the spectacle is enormous. Also the exhibition environment will be reconstructed in 3D to condense the impression of a reflection in this site-specific installation.

This project is a cooperation of Rico Possienka and Jens Isensee. The installation is made with Kinect Sensor and Unity 3D and an ultra short distance projector connected to PC rendering hardware.

Platform: Game could be shipped with special hardware., Game Build could be visited or provides a documentation for judging.
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