A MAZE. / Berlin 2019

8th International Games and Playful Media Festival



Since 2012 A MAZE. awards The Most Amazing Game. The winner is selected by an interdisciplinary, international and 100% independent jury. We extended and changed awards in the many years since, our categories are now: “Most Amazing Award”, “Human Human Machine Award”, “Long Feature Award”, “Digital Moment Award”, “Explorer Award” and “Audience Award”.

In 2019, our international selection committee of about 50 people and the A MAZE. team reviewed 181 submissions from 32 countries.

And the nominees are...

Award Nominees Honorable Mentions Humble New Talent Nominees

Every game at the festival has also the chance to win the Audience Award.
Want to show your work as well? Please ask for available spaces in the exhibition and their conditions or apply for the open screens during the festival.

More about the award categories

Nov 19: Start of Game-Submission and Jury-Registration
Dec 31: Submission-Fee switches from Early Bird to Regular
Jan 14: Judging starts
Feb 04: Submission Deadline
Feb 18: Judging ends
Mar 04: Announcement Nominees
Apr 10: A MAZE starts
Apr 11: Final Judges play Nominees and interview Developers (in the morning)
Apr 12: Award ceremony

The most amazing trophy consists out of three independent elements: a pink silicone cube, a metal ball and a concrete socket. Thorsten S. Wiedemann, the director of A MAZE. explains: "The pink silicon stands for interactivity and playfulness, the concrete socket for culture and meaning, and the embedded metal ball for connectivity and completeness."

If you have any questions, please contact us at award_at_amaze-berlin.de.

More about A MAZE. / Berlin 2019
Get a Festival Ticket (Not included in submission! - Only Nominees receive 2 Tickets)

Organized by A MAZE.
Check out the 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 editions!